Holmby News 7-14-23

July 14, 2023

From the Holmby Westwood Property Owners Association, serving the Holmby Westwood community since 1960.

1.  Heat Advisory
2.  LAPD Crime Report & Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention
3.  Metro Updates – Fare Capping & Metro Micro Ridesharing
4.  Student Success Library Cards
Activities & Things to Do
6.  Local Discounts & HWPOA Benefits
HWPOA Contact Information


A Heat Advisory for the LA Region will be in effect from Friday at 10am to Sunday at 11pm.  Los Angeles is expecting the first significant heat event of the season from Friday through Sunday. During this heat event, it is important to be proactive from heat exposure. As temperatures rise, the City of Los Angeles urges Angelenos to plan and prepare to avoid heat exhaustion in your communities and for yourself.

The public can keep cool by identifying and resting in shade or a building with air conditioning and drinking plenty of water. If you do not live in an air-conditioned building, you may take refuge from the heat at a public library, recreation facility, senior center or other public air-conditioned building near you. You may call 311 to identify the cooling facilities closest to you, or visit the Cool Spots LA App. Drink plenty of fluids, stay indoors or in the shade, stay in a cool area, and check up on relatives and neighbors, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Check on neighbors or others who may be sensitive to heat.

An updated list of all currently open cooling centers is available at this link: https://emergency.lacity.gov/updates

Take extra precautions if you work, exercise, or spend time outside. When possible, please reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. See images below for an explanation of signs and symptoms. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.  If you suspect a heat stroke, this is an emergency! Call 911.  Non-emergency information can be found by calling 311.


Incident #: 230811792
800 BLOCK MALCOLM AV  |  7/11/2023 @ 5:05 AM

Because of the rise in catalytic converter theft in California, the California Bureau of Automotive Repair has some guidelines about how to prevent catalytic converter theft and what to do if the catalytic converter in your car is stolen.   Please read the article below, which describes steps you can take to prevent theft, and what to do if your catalytic converter is stolen:

How to Avoid Catalytic Converter Theft

File a Police Report Online: click here
NON-EMERGENCY: 1-877-275-5273
All other City Services: 311
West L.A. Community Police Station –1663 Butler Ave.
James Allen, Senior Lead Officer
Office: 310-444-0741
Email: 39318@lapd.online
West LA Community Police Station Website:  click here
LAPD Website: www.lapdonline.org


The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is introducing fare capping, affectionately known as “cappin’ the TAP,” to make traveling more convenient and cost-effective.

For most riders, this change requires no immediate action. Here’s what you need to know to keep riding smoothly. To ride the Metro, simply use your TAP card and pay as you go with stored value. The regular fare of $1.75, which includes two hours of free transfers, remains the same. The exciting update is that your TAP card will now automatically cap your fare at $5 per day or $18 for a seven-day period. This means you can enjoy unlimited rides for just $5 a day or $18 for a whole week. The more you ride, the more you save.

Metro Fare Capping – More Info.

METRO MICRO – Rideshare Service
Micro is Metro’s new on-demand rideshare service, offering trips within several zones in LA County. The new service is for short local trips and uses small vehicles (seating up to 10 passengers).

Micro is part of Metro’s family of services and has been designed hand-in-hand with our NextGen Bus Plan. The service is meant to be a fast, safe and convenient option for quick trips around town. Your first two rides are on Metro. Thereafter for the first 6 months of the program fares will be $1/trip, and at the end of that period will be subject to adjustment.

Hundreds of pick up/drop off points within the service zone, please visit the app, online booking portal, or call (323) GO-METRO to get started.

Metro Micro – More Info.

Zone Map – UCLA-Westwood-VA Medical Center:


Los Angeles Unified and the Los Angeles Public Library recently celebrated the renewal of the Student Success Card partnership, which offers activities at LA’s libraries throughout the summer for students.

The Student Success Library Card, issued to all students who attend Los Angeles Unified, is a library card that enables students to borrow up to five books without any worries about fines or fees.  Students can also access all of the Library’s online resources for free, including finding an online tutor every day from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

For more information, visit: https://www.lapl.org/studentsuccess/card


Saturday, July 15
at the UCLA Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden

The UCLA Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden has several exciting upcoming summer programs! See below to learn more about upcoming events:

  • Botanical Garden Tour – Explore our living museum, featuring collections of plants from around the globe! Join a Garden Educator for a free guided 1 hour tour. RSVP – Click here.
  • Become a Naturalist Day – Celebrate native plants with the Garden! Engage in creating native wildflower seed balls and embark on a garden scavenger hunt. Join us for storytime or a tour of the Garden. Head to the link below for the full schedule of events. RSVP – Click here.

July 15 through November 5, 2023
at the Hammer Museum

Becoming Van Leo is the first international survey of work by the late Armenian Egyptian photographer known as Van Leo, a pseudonym of his own making. Born Levon Boyadjian to Armenian parents in Turkey in 1921, the artist moved to Egypt with his family as a child, eventually settling in Cairo. There he rose to prominence as one of the Arab world’s most celebrated studio photographers from the 1940s to the 1960s. The exhibition traces Van Leo’s career from his earliest encounters with the camera in the 1930s, in which he used friends and family as models, through his experiments in self-portraiture of the 1940s and 1950s, and onward to his studio work, which extended into the 1990s.

Learn More – Click Here

Saturday, July 15th, at 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
at the Westwood Branch Library

Join us in the library for Beginning Chess this Saturday, July 15th, at 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Chess expert Brian Glover will introduce the classic game of strategy. All ages are welcome!

Parking is validated, no registration required.


Below you will find links to discounts and benefits that local businesses have offered to HWPOA members.  We hope to add more as often as we can.  Please let us know if you would like to submit additional discounts for other Westwood retailers.

Current benefits include:

  • Campus Shoe Repair – 10% off any shoe or bag repair

To see offers, click here


Holmby Westwood Property Owners Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 49180
Los Angeles, CA  90049
Phone: (310) 470-1785 (call/text)
Email: hwpoa@aol.com OR info@holmbywestwoodpoa.org
Website: www.holmbywestwoodpoa.org
Pay Membership Dues: https://squareup.com/store/hwpoa

You Are Invited . . .

  • To attend our monthly Board Meetings*
  • To let us know your concerns about our community and your ideas about how we might work to improve it
  • To become involved in our Association.

*Board Meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of each month.  Please confirm prior to attending.