Holmby News 6-19-20

June 19, 2020

From the Holmby Westwood Property Owners Association, serving the Holmby Westwood community since 1960.

1.  L.A. County – What’s Open
2.  USPS Updates – Post Office Mailboxes
3.  LAPD Crime Report
4.  Metro Service Changes
5.  L.A. Homeless Update
6.  Metro Purple Line Updates
7.  Bicycle Registration
8.  Home-Sharing Ordinance – Public Hearing
HWPOA Communication and Ad Policy
10.  Resident Ads
11.  HWPOA Contact Information


LA County’s Department of Public Health has prepared a helpful list of what’s open (or not) in LA County.  Click link below:

What’s Open in LA County

The following is a list of the newest locations that are now allowed to reopen:

  • Cardrooms, satellite wagering facilities
  • Bars, Winery and Brewery Tasting Rooms
  • Personal Care Establishments.  These establishments include  nail salons, tanning salons, esthetician, skin care, and cosmetology services; electrology, body art professionals, tattoo  parlors, and piercing shops; and massage therapy (in non-healthcare settings)

Beach Rules

In-Person Dining at Restaurants

The Department of Health has shared the below graphic, as a quick reminder of what to expect when you’re dining in a restaurant:


Federal Building Mail Boxes
You may have noticed that there are currently no mailboxes in front of the Federal Building on Wilshire.  We have been told that the four collection boxes will be replaced with 1 big collection box.  The new collection box is on order and will be installed as soon as it arrives. We do not know if it will be a drive-up mailbox in front of that building.

Westwood Village Post Office
The Village Post office on Westwood and Gayley was closed for about a week due to protesting/civil unrest. The office is open now Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Missing Neighborhood Mail Box
A resident reported that the local mailbox on the corner of Lindbrook and Manning has been removed.  Representatives from Congressman Ted Lieu’s office will be meeting with the USPS on June 24 and will bring up this issue.  If you have other concerns that you would like addressed at this meeting, please let us know by Tuesday, June 23.


BURGLARY (entry of structure w/intent to commit theft or a felony)
Incident #: 200810571
900 BLOCK WESTHOLME AV  |  5/28/2020 @ 12:00 PM

BURGLARY (entry of structure w/intent to commit theft or a felony)
Incident #: 200810635
10700 BLOCK LINDBROOK DR  |  5/27/2020 @ 9:39 AM

E-Policing: http://www.lapdonline.org/e_policing
NON-EMERGENCY: 1-877-275-5273
All other City Services: 311
Pete Ojeda, Senior Lead Officer
West L.A. Community Police Station – 1663 Butler Ave.
Office: 310-444-0741
Email: 36393@lapd.online
Website: www.lapdonline.org


In response to the ongoing reopening of Los Angeles County, Metro is implementing another round of service changes this Sunday, June 21. The changes amount to an 11 percent increase in bus service, including an additional 1,101 trips on 95 different bus lines.

Metro Rail will continue on the same schedules we’ve been running since mid-April.

The new timetables will soon be posted to metro.net. There are also reductions in service on some bus lines and route adjustments on others.

In May, Metro announced it would use a four-phase plan for restoring bus and rail service. Under the plan, we’ll be ramping up bus and rail service between now and early 2021 — the changes this Sunday are phase one. The idea is to match our service levels with actual and expected ridership and the need to maintain physical distancing on our buses and trains as well as more cleaning.


From City Councilmember Paul Koretz:

The Los Angeles Homeless 2020 Count was released this week, which showed that in Council District 5, we’ve unfortunately seen a rise of 19% in overall persons experiencing homelessness to a total of 1,205 including both sheltered and unsheltered people. Rising rents and a shortage of affordable housing are a major driving force of increased homelessness. The number of individuals falling into homelessness continues to outpace the number being sheltered.  And we know that the current pandemic and resulting economic collapse are going to make homelessness worse.

Within the financial constraints we face and the relative unavailability of land usable for shelter and permanent affordable housing, there have been serious constraints on what can be done.  In our district, there are two HHH supportive housing projects working their way through the approval process and a new “A Bridge Home” shelter facility just opening for homeless families.

In the short term, we’re housing several hundred at-risk-for-COVID-19 individuals experiencing homelessness at the Cheviot Hills and Westwood Recreation Centers, and a couple hundred more at three Project Roomkey hotels in the district.  Additionally you may have heard about the “LA Alliance” federal lawsuit that looks like it will force the City to find shelter for, in the short term, people camping near freeways or under freeway overpasses.  The same constraints CD5 faces in finding or creating housing also hold true for the court orders that will result from this lawsuit.  Federal Judge David Carter is insisting that each Council office find space for these folks within their own districts, which will be a huge challenge for us.


Section 3 Quarterly Construction Update
Community Meeting – June 18

A few updates from this week’s meeting include:

  • Surveys and monitoring along the tunnel alignment,
  • Soundwall construction for the Westwood/UCLA staging yard,
  • Shuttle service for the VA Hospital during construction,
  • Electrical system upgrades to power the tunnel boring machines, and more.

Construction in Beverly Hills – 7 months ahead of schedule
From the  Los Angeles Business Journal:
“Call it an unanticipated silver lining of the Covid-19 pandemic: Construction of the Metro Purple Line extension’s station in the heart of Beverly Hills is now running about seven months ahead of schedule…..”

Read the entire article at https://labusinessjournal.com/news/2020/jun/01/purple-line-on-track-ahead-schedule-lockdown/


From West LAPD:

YOU can help LAPD recover your bike! Register at www.bikeindex.org today. It’s simple, secure and free!


On Thursday, July 9, City Planning will hold a staff public hearing for the proposed Amendment to the Home-Sharing Ordinance (Case No. CPC-2020-2762-CA). Details on how to join the meeting are provided in the revised hearing notice, now available online.

From 5:30 to 6 p.m., staff will provide a brief presentation, followed by a public hearing during which all interested parties will be provided an opportunity to make public comment for the record. No decision will be made during the hearing. Testimony received will be incorporated into the staff recommendation report that will be presented to the City Planning Commission for recommendation later this summer.

As a reminder, a fact sheet containing an overview of the ordinance, background information, and answers to frequently-asked questions is available online. In addition, members of the public may also submit written comments or questions to cally.hardy@lacity.org prior to July 10, 2020. After that date, written comments should be provided to the City Planning Commission at cpc@lacity.org. The proposed amendment is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the City Planning Commission on Thursday, August 13, 2020.


Please direct all comments, questions or issues regarding the Holmby News to hwpoa@aol.com.

Ads for plumbers, housekeepers, garage sales, etc. will be posted in the weekly News. Emergency situations such as lost and found pets, traffic alerts and similar situations will be published during the week as received.

When placing an ad, please send to hwpoa@aol.com for the Holmby News moderator to review.  Responses to ads should be directed to the ad placer, not to HWPOA.



Mariela has worked for us for over 5 years and is looking for additional days/hours.

In addition to doing an excellent job cleaning, Mariela:

  • Cooks
  • Drives
  • Speaks English
  • Shops
  • Babysits
  • Gardens

She is honest, hard working, and reliable.

Please call or text Mariela at: 213-200-2288

Excellent references available


P.O. Box 49180
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Email: hwpoa@aol.com
Web site: www.holmbywestwoodpoa.org
Pay Membership Dues: https://hwpoa.square.site/

You Are Invited . . .

  • To attend our monthly Board Meetings*
  • To let us know your concerns about our community and your ideas about how we might work to improve it
  • To become involved in our Association.

*Board Meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of each month.  Please confirm prior to attending.