September 16, 2016
From the Holmby Westwood Property Owners Association, serving the Holmby Westwood community since 1960.
1. USPS Mail Service – Give Your Feedback
2. Sharing Holmby Park with Our Dogs
3. Helicopters Over Holmby Westwood
4. UCLA Move-In Weekend and Volunteer Day
5. Movie Premiere – Street Closures
6. Upcoming Community Events
7. HWPOA Communication and Ad Policy
8. Resident Ads
9. HWPOA Contact Information
Does your mail arrive late? Does your mail get delivered to your neighbor instead of to you? Do you receive mail that doesn’t belong to you?
The Westwood Community Council has invited the USPS Director of the Brentwood Post Office to address the council on processing mail at his branch. There have been many complaints given to Congressman Ted Lieu on problems associated with mail delivery in Holmby Westwood and surrounding communities.
Please join the council and let the Director hear your complaints.
Tuesday, Sept. 20
7:00 PM
Belmont Senior Living
10475 Wilshire (at Warner)
in the Town Hall room
Free parking on site
Did you celebrate National Dog Day on August 26th?
One of the great pleasures of living near Holmby Park is that it is the perfect place to walk our dogs. Not only is it fun to enjoy the park with our animals, but being with a dog seems to make it much easier to meet other walkers and dog owners.
It is very tempting to turn our beautiful golf course into a “dog park” letting dogs run off-leash instead of walking them on the pathways. Everyone knows this is illegal and that penalties for doing this begin at $100. Our hard-working grounds keepers implore everyone who brings a dog to the park, no matter what its size, to keep it on its leash.
For those who would like to use a dog park, there are several located close by. The newest one is in Beverly Hills on Foothill.
If you have extra plastic bags such as the ones used to protect newspapers, it would be appreciated if you would donate them to fill the doggy waste bag dispenser located at the south end of the park. Just push them into the box. Thanks!
Finally, we wonder if neighborhood families would be interested in participating in an Annual Dog Show which we could hold at the park. The idea is to raise a little money for park improvements while having an event for all members of the family…much like our Fourth of July celebration. If this is something you think you would enjoy, please email a note back to the HWPOA office.
The Lawn Bowling Club invites everyone to enjoy watching their biggest event of the year, “The Joslyn Tournament”. THE DATE IS SEPTEMBER 24, 9AM TO 4 PM. Over 100 bowlers will play in a high-level competition using all 16 of the rinks.
Park Fact: Mr. Raul Mora has been the Senior Gardner at the park since 1998.
The FAA recently released this flight map that shows helicopter traffic over Los Angeles for 90 random days in 2015. Note the loop with Holmby Westwood in the center. These are sightseeing helicopters showing tourists the Playboy Mansion.
The Los Angeles Area Helicopter Noise Coalition lahelicopternoise.org is pressing the FAA to enforce the helicopter restrictions on non-emergency flights, in other words to fly neighborly. This includes minimum elevation of 2000 feet (virtually none do so now), no circling, and no hovering.
We need to let the FAA know the depth and breadth of our concern about this urban blight.
Please report all helicopter disturbances that you encounter. The easiest way is with the smartphone app HeliTracker www.helitracker.org . You can also report via the FAA’s automated phone system (424) 348-4354 or on line at http://heli-noise-la.com/webtrak/
When you report by HeliTracker or Webtrak, please include your street address so that the FAA can pinpoint the problem areas, ours included.
Roy A. Meals
Holmby Westwood resident and LAAHNC board member
Please be aware that UCLA student “Move-In Weekend” began yesterday and continues through Sunday, Sept. 18. The first day of classes is on Thursday, Sept. 22.
In addition, UCLA “Volunteer Day” will be held on Monday, Sept. 19. All 7,000 or so freshman are required to participate, and will be ferried to various volunteer sites throughout the city by bus. The numerous buses will travel north on Gayley Avenue to northbound Veteran Avenue, then east on Sunset Blvd. and enter campus via Bellagio Rd. Bus loading will take place from approximately 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. inside the campus.
Warner Bros will be holding the Premiere of “Storks”, at 11:00 AM on Saturday, September 17, 2016 at the Regency Village Theater, located at 961 Broxton Avenue in Westwood, immediately followed by a post reception in the street on Broxton and Le Conte from 1pm-4pm. There will be various sidewalk and street closures around the area of Broxton Avenue between Weyburn Avenue and Le Conte Avenue.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this event, feel free to contact Michelle Dennis 310- 848-1137.
Coastal Cleanup Day – Saturday, Sept. 17 at various beaches, including Santa Monica Beach Pier, Tower 1550 starting at 9:00 a.m. California Coastal Cleanup Day is the state’s largest annual volunteer event. To find and register for a cleanup event at the beach, lake, pond, creek or river nearest you, go to Coastalcleanupday.org and view a statewide map. Find your local area, then click on the interactive icons containing all the information you’ll need.
Westwood Library Used Book Sale – Saturday, Sept. 17 starting at 10:30 AM. Come and purchase some wonderful books for family and friends! We have a great collection of Coffee Table books, Children Books and DVD’s. We’ll also be selling bookplates to add to the collection of our Library books. A great way to increase your personal library while raising money for your public library.
Please direct all comments, questions or issues regarding the Holmby News to hwpoa@aol.com.
Ads for plumbers, housekeepers, garage sales, etc. will be posted in the weekly News. Emergency situations such as coyote sightings, lost and found pets, traffic alerts and similar situations will continue to be published during the week as received.
When placing an ad, please send to hwpoa@aol.com for the Holmby News moderator to review. Responses to ads should be directed to the ad placer, not to HWPOA.
I am looking for part-time work to complete a “Nanny Share” with the other family that I currently work for in Westwood (now, just afternoons starting at 2pm). I have been with this family for nearly 9 years (originally as a full-time Nanny) & now that their children are in school full-time, my mornings are free. If you have a baby/young children, this could be the perfect situation. I can provide you with references who will tell you that I do an excellent job caring for their children: diapering, bathing, dressing, getting them ready for nap, taking them for walks, keeping them active, singing songs, playing in the park, reading to them at the library…overall, making sure their needs are met & have the best day possible.
If you are looking for someone part-time in the AM until I’d need to leave (about 1-1:30, depending on where you live), please call me & we can see if it’s a good fit. I’m bilingual & have experience with twins. ANA VASQUEZ: 818 521-3869
P.O. Box 49180
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Email: hwpoa@aol.com
Web site: www.holmbywestwoodpoa.org